Moving desktop elements between page sections will alter mobile and vice versa.
Hold ‘cmd’ or ‘ctrl’ and then drag an element to a new section to avoid changes on desktop.
Moving items within sections won’t affect the other view.
Mobile view tips
You are done with your mobile view!
Tidy up your landing page by deleting template instructions or unneeded page sections.
Let's publish!
Don’t worry, it will only be visible to you
Click ‘Save’
Navigate back to the ‘Page Overview’ screen
Click ‘Publish’
Hide elements as needed
Think of your mobile view as a condensed summary of desktop.
Instead of erasing, hide sections or elements you don’t want to see in your mobile view by selecting the visibility icon on your content tree to the left.
All page elements should sit inside the blue page guides. Anything outside is highlighted in red.
Navigate to Page Properties and use Layout Assistant, it helps you get inside the bounds faster.